Suggested Reading

Supervision Literature By Stephen Power



Power S (1999) Nursing Supervision: A Guide For Clinical Practice
London: Sage Publications

Power S, Roles and Responsibilities of the Clinical Supervisor in: Driscoll J (2007) Practicing Clinical Supervision (2nd Edition), Edinburgh. Bailliere Tindall.

Journal Articles

Power S (1994) A Unique Source of Support and Advice: The Benefits of Supervision in Clinical Practice. Psychiatric Care, 1, 3, 105 - 108
Power S (1994) Developing a Constructive Relationship: Practical Aspects of Clinical Supervision. Psychiatric Care, 1, 4, 144 –147

Power S (2000) Conflicts In Clinical Supervision, Nursing Times; 96: 8, 45-48

Power S (2000) Some Additional Benefits of Clinical Supervision, Nursing Times, 96, 13, 49-52

Power S (2000) Legal and Accountability Issues in Clinical Supervision, Nursing Times; 96, 15, 45-48

Miscellaneous Reading Lists

Clinical Supervision

n      Butterworth T, Faugier J & Burnard P (Eds) (1995) Clinical Supervision & Mentoring in clinical Practice. Stanley Thornes

n      Driscoll J (2007) Practicing Clinical Supervision: A Reflective Approach. Bailliére Tindall London

n      Hawkins P, Shohet R (1989) Supervision in the Helping Professions. Open University Press

n      Heru A M, Strong D R, Price M, Recupero P R (2004) Boundaries in Psychotherapy Supervision. American Journal of Psychotherapy 58 (1):76–89

n      Power S (1999) Nursing Supervision: A Guide for Clinical Practice. London: Sage Publications

n      Sloan G (2005) Clinical supervision: beginning the supervisory relationship. British Journal of Nursing 14 (17): 918-923

n      Wilkins P (1998) Clinical Supervision: The Rochdale Support & Development Model. Rochdale Healthcare NHS Trust

n      Winstanley J, White E (2003) Clinical supervision: models, measures and best practice. Nurse Research 10 (4):7–38